The news
sources I check regularly, reflecting my
idiosyncratic interests:
News -- The best
English-language news website out there, I would say. A very refreshing
counterpoint to American network reporting
-- News and analysis
from Belarus, mostly in Russian. They manage to hold opposition views
while getting government people to talk to them once in a while
-- A good source of
news from Russia, but also from Belarus, Ukraine, and Georgia. Also has
decent coverage of world news.
Consistent in its criticism of Putin and
other social ills
English version of Al-Jazeera
-- Though not devoid of a tilt toward Arab nationalism, it can provide
an interesting alternative view. The cartoons and
columns on their website can be biased to an annoying degree; the
straight reporting, on the other hand, is, at times, quite good
The New
York Times -- Probably the best
newspaper in the US. Although
liberalish, it reflects the split in public opinion pretty well. Also
hosts a few columnists out to turn the Middle East into Kentucky